The following topics are discussed in this paper: the geocentric coord
inate system and its different realizations used in geodetic practice;
the definition of a horizontal geodetic datum (reference ellipsoid) a
nd its positioning and orientation with respect to the geocentric coor
dinate system; positions on a horizontal datum and errors inherent in
the process of positioning; and distortions of geodetic networks refer
red to a horizontal datum. The problem of determining transformation p
arameters between a horizontal datum and the geocentric coordinate sys
tem from known positions is then analysed. It is often found necessary
to transform positions from one horizontal datum to another. These tr
ansformations are normally accomplished through the geocentric coordin
ate system and they include the transformation parameters of the two d
atums as well as the representation of the respective network distorti
ons. Problems encountered in putting these transformations together ar
e pointed out.