Bubble growth controlled by mass transfer of water from hydrated rhyol
itic melts at high pressures and temperatures was studied experimental
ly and simulated numerically. Rhyolitic melts were hydrated at 150 MPa
. 780-850 degrees C to uniform water content of 5.5-5.3 wt%. The press
ure was then dropped and held constant at 15-145 MPa. Upon the drop bu
bbles nucleated and were allowed to grow for various periods of time b
efore final, rapid quenching of the samples. The size and number densi
ty of bubbles in the quenched glasses were recorded. Where number dens
ities were low and run duration short, bubble sizes were in accord wit
h the growth model of Scriven (1959) for solitary bubbles. However, mo
st results did not fit this simple model because of interaction betwee
n neighboring bubbles. Hence, the growth model of Proussevitch et al.
(1993), which accounts for finite separation between bubbles, was furt
her developed and used to simulate bubble growth. The good agreement b
etween experimental data, numerical simulation, and analytical solutio
ns enables accurate and reliable examination of bubble growth from a l
imited volume of supersaturated melt. At modest supersaturations bubbl
e growth in hydrated silicic melts (3-6 wt% water, viscosity 10(4)-10(
6) Pa . s) is diffusion controlled. Water diffusion is fast enough to
maintain steady-state concentration gradient in the melt. Viscous resi
stance is important only at the very early stage of growth (t < 1 s).
Under the above conditions growth is nearly parabolic, R(2)=2Dt rho(m)
(C-0-C-f)/rho(g) until the bubble approaches its final size. In melts
with low water content: viscosity is higher and maintains pressure gra
dients in the melt. Growth may be delayed for longer times, comparable
to time scales of melt ascentduring eruptions. At high levels of supe
rsaturation, advection of hydrated melt towards the growing bubble bec
omes significant. Our results indicate that equilibrium degassing is a
good approximation for modeling vesiculation in melts with high water
concentrations (C-0 > 3 wt%) in the region above the nucleation level
. When the melt accelerates and water content decreases, equilibrium c
an no longer be maintained between bubbles and melt. Supersaturation d
evelops in melt pockets away from bubbles and new bubbles may nucleate
. Further acceleration and increase in viscosity cause buildup of inte
rnal pressure in the bubbles and may eventually lead to fragmentation
of the melt.