Telomeres of most eucaryotes terminate in long stretches of short, gua
nine-rich repeals, Telomerase. a specialized enzyme with reverse trans
criptase-like activity, has been shown to synthesize these repeats in
many lower eucaryotes and several animal species, Although a sequence
(TTTACGG)(n) that matches the eucaryotic consensus sequence T-x(A)G(y)
is present in several plant species, the activity and expression patt
erns of plant telomerase have not been reported. Here we document the
presence of telomerase activity in plant tissues using a modification
of the human Telomeric Repeal Amplification Protocol (TRAP) assay. Tel
omerase activity was detected in barley embryo, anther and carpel tiss
ues and in immature seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana, but not in barley l
eaf tissue.