Tracheobronchography (TBG) can provide anatomic information supplement
ing endoscopy in evaluating complex congenital and acquired tracheal a
bnormalities, With the use of modern non-ionic contrast agents and fle
xible fiberoptic bronchoscopes, TBG can be performed safely and comfor
tably in children, As some tracheal lesions have a significant risk of
mortality, obtaining maximum definition of the abnormality is imperat
ive prior to attempting surgical management. Twenty-two patients under
went TBG at St, Christopher's Hospital for Children (Philadelphia) fro
m July 1990 through June 1995. With the use of iohexol as a contrast a
gent, flexible bronchoscopes and adequate sedation and analgesia, with
out the need for intubation or general anesthesia, there were no signi
ficant complications or discomfort during or after the procedure. Tech
niques and illustrative radiographs are presented. TBG provides a usef
ul adjunct to endoscopy.