Charcot-Leyden crystals (CLC) are rarely described in tissue. Because
of the derivation of CLC from eosinophils, and the antineoplastic func
tions that eosinophils effect, it is plausible that CLC in neoplastic
tissue specimens may be significant. We recently encountered a case in
which Hodgkin's disease and CLC were unexpectedly found. We reviewed
31 cases of Hodgkin's disease for CLC and sought relationships between
CLC incidence and morbidity or mortality. While various grades of eos
inophilia were represented, CLC were encountered only in the case repo
rted. The role of eosinophils and CLC in Hodgkin's disease is enigmati
c. With clinicopathologic correlations from additional patients, it ma
y be determined that CLC play a role in the natural history or prognos
is of Hodgkin's disease.