This study considered how host plant allelochemicals may contribute to
defense against insects and fungi that jointly colonize the subcortic
al tissues of trees, the relative roles of constitutive and inducible
chemistry in these defenses, and how the actions of two different feed
ing guilds might be interrelated. Our model consisted of the coniferou
s tree Pinus resinosa, the root- and lower stem-colonizing beetles Hyl
astes porculus and Dendroctonus valens, and their associated fungi Lep
tographium procerum and L. terebrantis, and the stem-colonizing bark b
eetle Ips pini and its associated Fungus Ophiostoma ips. In a novel bi
oassay, extracts from reaction tissue elicted by wound inoculation wit
h L. terebrantis were more repellent to beetles than were similar extr
acts from constitutive or mechanically wounded tissue. The effect on b
ee tie behavior was more pronounced in nonpolar extracts, which contai
n mostly monoterpenes, than in polar extracts, which contain mostly ph
enolics. Synthetic monoterpenes at concentrations present in the vario
us tissues exerted similar effects and were likewise repellent in dose
-response experiments. Growth of L. procerum and L. terebrantis was in
hibited by polar extracts from constitutive and reaction tissue. Inhib
ition was higher in wounded than control tissue, but the inhibition re
sponse did not vary with the type of wounding. Synthetic monoterpenes
strongly inhibited spore germination and mycelial growth of both fungi
. Colonization of red pine roots by Leptographium spp. altered the sub
sequent effects of extracts of stem phloem tissue on I. pini. These ef
fects varied with host condition. Beetles preferred extracts from cons
titutive stem phloem tissue of healthy trees to that of root-diseased
trees. However, extracts from reaction tissues of healthy trees were m
ore repellent to I. pini than were the reaction tissues of root-diseas
ed trees. The implications of these results to plant defense against i
nsect-fungal complexes and interactions among different feeding guilds
are discussed.