Currently, much is being said and written about the decline of longer-
range R&D in the U.S., and industrial basic research in particular (1)
. Exxon has maintained its commitment to basic research but has undert
aken a major redesign of its management system aimed at significantly
increasing the commercial impact of the effort. The new system utilize
s a hybrid arrangement to capture the best characteristics of both cen
tralized and decentralized alternatives. Other key features include: 1
) business input from all management levels-senior corporate officials
to plant operators; 2) a business-driven approach that articulates ta
rgeted science advances in clear technical terms, and 3) a seamless li
nk to ongoing applied development research activities via integrated p
lanning, execution and stewardship systems. Both anecdotal and quantit
ative feedback indicate that the desired increase in commercial impact
is being achieved.