Development of a contraceptive vaccine using zona pellucida (ZP) antig
ens has been hampered by the observation that the immune response to t
he antigens results in altered ovarian function and depletion of the f
ollicular pool of oocytes. The amino acid sequences of many ZP protein
s have been determined in the past decade allowing study of fully synt
hetic peptide immunogens based on these ZP sequences. Such immunogens
permit a precisely targeted response. The non-human primate is the bes
t model for predicting how women may respond to ZP peptide vaccines. C
ynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) have been immunized with synt
hetic peptides comprising a human ZP3 epitope and a macaque homologue
of the same epitope. In both studies, immune response to the peptides
was initiated, and infertility was accompanied by normal ovarian funct