Portal hypertension results from increases in portal flow and portal v
ascular resistance, Factors increasing portal blood flow are predomina
ntly humoral, Resistance to portal flow has a fixed component due to d
istortion of the vasculature by cirrhotic nodules and a variable compo
nent that is related to vasoactive substances, Varices result from an
increase in portal pressure, Factors predicting the risk of variceal b
leeding include continued alcohol use, poor liver function, large vari
ces, and red wale markings on varices at endoscopy, Octreotide is prob
ably the drug of choice for pharmacologic management of bleeding esoph
ageal varices, Propranolol has an established role in the prevention o
f variceal hemorrhage, and variceal band ligation may be the preferred
endoscopic technique. Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunts
have emerged as an important treatment for patients in whom pharmacolo
gic and endoscopic therapies have failed and are an effective bridge t
o liver transplantation.