Dedicated experiments on JET clarified the effect of the toroidal fiel
d (B-t) reversal on divertor asymmetries. In high recycling L-mode dis
charges the field reversal had a significant impact on density, temper
ature, radiated power, particle flux and H-alpha emission distribution
between the strike zones. The in/out ratio of j(sat), n(e), P-rad and
H-alpha emission was reduced following the change from 'normal' to 'r
eversed' field configuration, while the T-e in/out asymmetry was incre
ased. This behaviour is consistent with previous observations and sugg
ests the radial E x B drift as a possible candidate to explain the obs
erved effects. In contrast with the L-mode discharges, a significantly
weaker effect of the field reversal on the asymmetries was observed i
n high density ohmic discharges, which is consistent with the expected
reduced drift contribution to plasma transport in low-temperature pla
smas. In the L-mode series of discharges with reversed B-t, the previo
usly reported q-dependence of power sharing between the strike zones,
with more symmetric power deposition at low q(95) was validated. Asymm
etry in the power deposition to the target was strongly in favour of t
he outer strike zone for the series of L-mode discharges analysed, and
could not be significantly altered by the inclusion of local strike p
oint radiation. The shifts in the power asymmetry between the targets
due to the B-t reversal agrees with previous observations on JET and e
lsewhere that power distribution between the sides is more symmetric i
n the 'reversed' toroidal field.