Diabetic nephropathy is a clinical syndrome characterized by persisten
t albuminuria, a relentless decline in GFR, raised arterial blood pres
sure, and increased relative mortality for cardiovascular diseases. Di
abetic nephropathy is a leading cause of end-stage renal failure, The
pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy is multifactorial, with contribut
ions from metabolic abnormalities, hemodynamic alterations, and variou
s growth factors and genetic factors. Epidemiologic and family studies
have demonstrated that only a subset of the patients develop this com
plication, that family clustering of nephropathy is present, and that
ethnicity plays an important role in the risk of developing this kidne
y disease. Short stature and low birth weight are both associated with
increased risk of developing diabetic nephropathy, supporting the hyp
othesis that genetic predisposition or factors operating in utero, in
early childhood, or both contribute to the development of diabetic nep
hropathy. Studies elucidating phenotypic markers such as parenteral hy
pertension and systemic blood pressure elevation have yielded conflict
ing results, The contribution from elevated blood pressure only plays
a minor role in the majority of the patients developing diabetic nephr
opathy. The majority of the studies have demonstrated increased sodium
/lithium countertransport activity in insulin-dependent diabetes melli
tus patients with nephropathy, whereas studies of this phenotypic mark
er in parents of patients with and without nephropathy have yielded co
nflicting results, Recently, studies of genetic markers involved in th
e regulation of blood pressure and levels of cardiovascular risk facto
rs have been conducted, Several studies have demonstrated that the del
etion polymorphism in the angiotensin-l-converting enzyme acts as a ri
sk factor for cardiovascular disease in diabetic patients. However, a
meta-analysis does not support the suggestion that this factor plays a
ny role for the initiation of diabetic nephropathy. Similar negative r
esults have been obtained in relation to polymorphisms of the genes en
coding for angiotensinogen and the angiotensin II Type 1 receptor, How
ever, studies in diabetic and non-diabetic glomerulopathies have clear
ly demonstrated a deleterious effect of the deletion polymerphism in t
he angiotensin-converting enzyme on the progression of kidney function