What makes a problem easy or hard for a genetic algorithm (GA)? Much p
revious work has studied this question by applying Walsh analysis.(4))
In this paper, we demonstrate a function that is GA-hard by analyzing
the Walsh coefficients of this function's Walsh decomposition. Then,
we construct five functions with differing degrees of difficulty for g
enetic algorithms. Some are GA-easy and some are GA-hard. In a previou
s paper,(29)) wh have proposed a novel selection method, disruptive se
lection. This method devotes more trials to both better solutions and
worse solutions than it does to moderate solutions, whereas the conven
tional method allocates its attention according to the performance of
each solution. Experimental results show that DGAs (GAs using disrupti
ve selection) perform very well on both GA-easy and GA-hard functions.
Finally, we discuss why DGAs outperform conventional GAs.