A system of two parallel Josephson junction arrays coupled by interlay
er capacitances is considered in the situation where one layer is in t
he vortex-dominated and the other in the charge-dominated regime. This
system shows a symmetry (duality) of the relevant degrees of freedom,
i.e. the vortices in one layer and the charges in the other. The char
ges feel the magnetic field created by vortices, and, vice versa, the
vortices feel a gauge field created by charges. For long-range interac
tion of the charges the system exhibits two Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Tho
uless transitions, one for vortices and another one for charges. suppr
esses the temperature of vortex-unbinding transition. It further repla
ces the charge-unbinding transition by a crossover, which is smeared a
lready for weak interlayer coupling.