Lectin binding of rat trophoblast subpopulations was examined at days
10, 12 and 15 of gestation. Biotinylated lectins, specific for a range
of carbohydrates, were applied to paraffin wax embedded tissues. At d
ay 10 of pregnancy, a wide and similar range of lectins reacted with e
ctoplacental cone and giant cells: chorionic lamina was relatively unr
eactive except with wheat germ agglutinin. At days 12 and 15, the rang
e of lectins reacting with the placental labyrinth was relatively rest
ricted. Spongiotrophoblast at day 12 showed lectin reactivity similar
to that of ectoplacental cone cells but at day 15 the reaction pattern
indicated loss of N-acetylgalactosamine residues in the large, glycog
en-rich cells. Trophoblastic giant cells also showed wide lectin react
ivity: some reacted only with cytoplasmic components whilst others sho
wed pericellular reactivity. Varying lectin reactivity of giant cells
in different regions of the placenta suggests functional differences.
There was reduced lectin reactivity of endovascular trophoblast at day
15, compared with day 12 of pregnancy, which may reflect altered inva
sive potential associated with loss of sialic acid and N-acetylgalacto
samine residues. The pattern of lectin reactivity suggests that ectopl
acental cells, as well as giving rise to giant cells, may also contrib
ute to spongiotrophoblast and to endovascular trophoblast. (C) 1996 W.
B. Saunders Company Ltd