En. Ponomareva et al., CHRONIC INFLAMMATORY DEMYELINATING POLYNE UROPATHIES, Zurnal nevropatologii i psihiatrii im. S.S. Korsakova, 96(4), 1996, pp. 22-25
A chronic Inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) is describe
d both on the basis of authors' own observations and literary data. Th
e disease is characterised by delayed onset with progredient, progredi
ent-remittent and stable course of flaccid paresis of extremity togeth
er with mild distal sensitive disturbances, albumino-cytologic dissoci
ation and dysimmunoglobullnemia. Cranial nerves damages and vestibulo-
cerebellar disturbances were observed in a number of patients. This co
nfirms the Involvement of CNS in CIDP. The common character of clinica
l, Immunological, laboratory and electrophysiological findings permits
to consider CIDP and Guillain-Barre syndrome as autoimmune diseases.
Meanwhile some recent findings on the formation of antibodies to perip
heral nerves structures as well as high titers of antisulfamide and an
tigangllosides antibodies permit to suggest CIDP as separate nosologic
al unit. Additional clinical data and the evaluation of the role of et
iological and pathogenetic mechanisms are necessary for the final conc