Over a 4 year period, 119 acute spinal cord injury (SCI) patients were
enrolled in this study. The 101 males and 18 females had a mean age o
f 35.9 years (range 16-87). Sixty-two patients were tetraplegic and 57
were paraplegic. All patients had a urine specimen taken for culture,
colony count and sensitivity once weekly while they were receiving in
termittent catheterization. Of these, 22 patients (18.5%), none of who
m had underlying genito-urinary (GU) pathology, developed recolonizati
on by an organism of the same species and genus previously cultured. A
ll 22 reached sterile urine between colonizations after being treated
with antibiotics for at least 7 days. The 16 males and six females had
a mean age of 35.1 years (range 17-79). Sixteen were tetraplegic and
six were paraplegic. Plasmid analysis (PA) was used to determine wheth
er these recolonizations were from the same or from a different strain
. In those instances where the bacteria harbored no plasmids or where
the results of plasmid analysis were otherwise inconclusive, bacteria
were also compared using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFL
P) analysis. Recolonization was caused primarily by E. coli and K. pne
umoniae. While there was no significant difference between the two org
anisms with respect to the number of days when sterile urine occurred
to the time when recolonization was observed, there were significant d
ifferences seen in both organisms with regard to the time lapse from o
ne colonization to the next: the average number of days to recolonizat
ion with an identical organism was 10.3 days, whereas with a different
strain it was 15.9 days (P<0.04). When a different organism was cultu
red between the recolonizations, the mean recolonization interval was
17.9 days. When no intervening organism occurred, the interval was 9.5
days (P<0.005). Both intervals measured the days from the first steri
le urine after the first colonization to the next colonization. These
data indicate the proclivity for two common Gram negative normal bowel
inhabitants to recolonize the neuropathic bladder of spinal cord inju
red patients even after adequate treatment. PA and RFLP provide a mean
s of discriminating between relapses by the same organism versus recur
rences by a different organism of the same species and genus. Those wi
th the same identity tend to recur sooner than those of different iden
tities and may be suspected when relapse occurs within two weeks of ce
ssation of 7 day course of antibiotics. While an intervening organism
may delay the relapse (or recurrence), it does not prevent it and iden
tical organisms can reappear even after adequate therapeutic regimens.
Since none of the patients in this study had GU pathology, recoloniza
tion by an identical strain (relapse) does not necessarily warrant an
extensive investigation for disease within the GU tract.