Before using void statistics to compare simulations with redshift surv
eys, it is best to understand the behavior of the statistics as a func
tion of the density fluctuation power spectrum and in the transformati
on from real space to redshift space. This is most efficiently accompl
ished by using two-dimensional numerical simulations of gravitational
clustering, with initial power spectra of the form P(k) proportional t
o k(n). We compare the properties of voids in real space to their prop
erties in redshift space. Both the void probability function (VPF) and
the underdense probability function (UPF) are enhanced in redshift sp
ace. The enhancement is greatest in the limit n = -2. The VPF and UPF
treat voids statistically and assume that two-dimensional voids are ci
rcular; we present an algorithm that detects individual voids. Voids f
ound by this algorithm are ellipses whose enclosed density of galaxies
falls below a threshold density. When voids are identified using this
algorithm, the mean void size and the maximum void size both increase
in going from real space to redshift space. The increase is greatest
in the limit n = -2. In redshift space, the principal axes of the larg
est voids in the n = 2 and n = 0 simulations show a statistically sign
ificant tendency (at the 95% confidence level) to be distributed aniso
tropically, relative to the line of sight from the origin to the void