A general treatment of stability is considered for an isentropic flow
equilibrium against three-dimensional incompressible perturbations by
taking into account the difference in the orientations of the system r
otation and flow vorticity. It is shown that the aforementioned orient
ation difference can indeed generate a coupling that drives instabilit
ies at the expense of the rotational energy. Two types of instability
are identified, with one growing algebraically and the other growing e
xponentially; the parameter regimes for both instabilities are also lo
cated. The algebraically growing modes are destabilized more easily th
an the exponentially growing modes; for example, the former can be uns
table when the angle between the rotation axis and the vorticity is be
yond 70 degrees.5, whereas the latter becomes unstable when this angle
is greater than 90 degrees. In addition, we find that even in the lim
it of small vorticity, the system may still be unstable algebraically
at a considerable strength, in contrast to the case of exact zero vort
icity, which is absolutely stable. This finding indicates the existenc
e of structural instability for a rotating fluid. The present analysis
is applied also to examination of the problem of shear mixing interio
r of an accreting white dwarf in the context of nova explosions. In or
der for the nuclear fuels to be blended deep inside the star and make
the explosion, the high angular momentum accreted materials combined w
ith the stellar materials should undergo shear flow instabilities. We
find that the shear flow instabilities happen when the disk rotation a
xis is off by more than 90 degrees from the star rotation axis. The in
stability has in general an exponential growth, on a timescale much sh
orter than that of the runaway nuclear burning.