As an active collision zone between the Luzon are and the China contin
ental margin, the Taiwan mountain belt, particularly its south-central
part, is undergoing crustal shortening and rapid uplift, The northern
part of the orogen is, however, subjected Eo crustal stretching and r
ifting as a result of flipping of subduction from the northwest-facing
Luzon are system to the south-facing Ryukyu are system, Taiwan and it
s neighboring southern Ryukyu used to be part of the rifted China cont
inental margin before the collision started in late Miocene time, Engi
neered by the northwest movement of the Philippine Sea plate in the pa
st 5 m.y., the north-south-trending Luzon are obliquely overrode the n
ortheast-southwest-trending continental margin and tectonized it into
a collision orogen that progressively enlarged and migrated from north
east to southwest, Following the southwest-propagating collision, the
north-dipping Philippine Sea plate, which was subducting beneath the R
yukyu are, also extended westward and caused flipping of subduction in
the northern part of the collision orogen, In consequence, the orogen
lost the compressive support by the colliding plates and became subje
cted to lithospheric stretching induced by the trench suction, The col
lision orogen collapsed as a result of crustal thinning, and its centr
al part foundered into a deep submerged basin, A whole spectrum of act
ive tectonic scenarios, ranging from orogenic buildup by collision to
orogenic collapse by rifting and subsidence, can be readily observed i
n the Taiwan-Ryukyu area and provides a vivid example for the process
of orogenic collapse.