HepG2 cells, a well differentiated liver cell line, were shown to be p
ermissive for both human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) A and B strains by thre
e independent methods of analysis: detection of viral antigens, viral
DNA sequences and infectious virus. HepG2 cell infection with HHV-6 re
sulted in functional damage as shown by the increased release in the c
ulture medium of some hepatocyte markers. Cells surviving the acute in
fection were serially passaged without showing cytopathic effect, but,
some months later, HHV-6 DNA was still present in the cells and virus
induction with a phorbol ester was successful. A possible pathogeneti
c role of HHV-6 in liver diseases is discussed. Experiments of HepG2 i
nfection with human herpesvirus 7 (HHV-7) were also carried out. The l
ack of an efficient virus replication suggested a difficulty for HHV-7
to infect hepatic cells.