The chlorate ion is one of the contaminants being considered for regul
ation in drinking water under the disinfection by-product rule. Ln add
ition to its presence in eater as a result of chlorine dioxide use, ch
lorate may be Formed during intermediate ozonation if residual chlorin
e is present. The majority of chlorate forms through a free radical pa
thway in natural source waters as opposed to by both molecular ozone a
nd free radical pathways in low-DOG waters. The monitoring of OH radic
als using p-chlorobenzoic acid indicated that the formation of chlorat
e is proportional to On radical generation. The increase in pH favored
chlorate formation and the presence of alkalinity enhanced chlorate f
ormation due to secondary reactions between carbonate radicals and chl
orine species. The addition of ammonia and peroxide before ozonation r
educed chlorate formation whereas the simultaneous addition of peroxid
e during ozonation enhanced chlorate formation. Copyright (C) 1996 Els
evier Science Ltd