The proliferative responses of peripheral blood mononuclear cells of 1
0 subjects that had typhoid fever, and healthy volunteers without hist
ory of typhoid fever or immunization against disease, were analysed wi
th antigen fractions from two protein extracts of Salmonella typhi. Fr
actions from each extract were separated gy sodium dodecyl sulphate-po
lyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) electrophoresis, transferr
ed to nitrocellulose filters by electroblotting and processed to obtai
n antigen-bearing nitrocellulose particles for use in lymphocyte cultu
res. Although the individual proliferative responses were heterogenous
we identified two main immunogenic regions of 29-32 x 10(3) MW for bo
th extracts. Even though there was no one particular antigenic fractio
n capable of stimulating lymphocytes from all individuals with a previ
ous history of typhoid fever, the combination of three fractions 29-32
, 41-45, 63-71 x 10(3) MW could be stimulatory for cells of 90% of the
se individuals. Also, four subjects that did not respond to unfraction
ated antigens gave proliferative responses to several fractions of the
same extract. We have identified the main immunogenic fractions of S.
typhi that might play a role during typhoid infection and postinfecti
on immunity, and merit further purification and characterization.