We study the effect of rapid stochastic fluctuations in the kinetic he
licity in a plane parallel mean field dynamo model for the Sun. The al
pha-parameter has a fluctuating component delta alpha = alpha - alpha(
0), which is modelled as a random forcing term. The fluctuations give
rise to variations in the amplitude and phase of the dynamo wave, such
that shorter cycles have higher amplitudes, as is observed in the sol
ar cycle. By making a second order expansion close to the unperturbed
marginally stable dynamo wave we are able to go beyond the weak forcin
g limit studied by Hoyng (1993). We show that with increasing strength
of the forcing the effective dynamo frequency decreases. We introduce
a simple non-linearity to model alpha-quenching and derive a set of l
inear equations for the mean field, valid in the weak forcing case. Wi
th alpha-quenching, phase and amplitude fluctuations are bounded, but
still correlated. The strength of the alpha-quenching is measured by a
parameter q = -(T-e/alpha(0))(partial derivative alpha/partial deriva
tive T)/(Te), where T-e is the equilibrium value of the toroidal field
. We make a comparison with sunspot data, and conclude that these are
well explained by the model if delta alpha/alpha(0) approximate to 2.2
and q approximate to 0.7. Finally we briefly consider the alternative
possibility of fluctuations caused by nonlinear dynamics, without ext
ernal forcing (delta alpha = 0). We show that the resulting phase-ampl
itude diagram does not agree with observations. Although this is no pr
oof that the phase-amplitude correlation cannot be reproduced by nonli
near chaos, we conclude that stochastic noise provides a more natural