A novel off-line technique for automatic calibration of kinematic para
meters for hydraulic manipulators is presented. Hydraulically actuated
manipulators have joints which are always powered and, unlike convent
ional robots, may not have conventional joint sensors to exploit in th
e calibration procedure. Instead, our approach employs an external thr
ee-dimensional linkage, termed ''the calibrator'', which has sufficien
t number of joints with corresponding sensors. One end of the calibrat
or is grasped by the manipulator's end effector while the other end is
attached to a passive spherical joint fixed to the world coordinate s
ystem. The mobile closed kinematic chain thus formed has the added adv
antage of eliminating the explicit measurement of the manipulator's en
dpoint location. A sequential identification technique that uses a lea
st squares numerical search algorithm has been developed based on link
-by-link movement of the manipulator. Simulation and experimental cali
bration results on a typical mobile hydraulic manipulator are reported
in this paper, which show that the proposed technique is globally sta
ble, and potentially fast, inexpensive, and easy to apply on site.