An astronomically calibrated timescale has recently been established [
Hilgen, 1991a, b] for the Pliocene and earliest Pleistocene based on t
he correlation of dominantly precession controlled sedimentary cycles
(sapropels and carbonate cycles) in Mediterranean marine sequences to
the precession time series of the astronomical solution of Berger and
Loutre [1991] (hereinafter referred to as Ber90). Here we evaluate the
accuracy of this timescale by (1) comparing the sedimentary cycle pat
terns with 65 degrees N summer insolation time series of different ast
ronomical solutions and (2) a cross-spectral comparison between the ob
liquity-related components in the 65 degrees N summer insolation curve
s and high-resolution paleoclimatic records derived from the same sect
ions used to construct the timescale. Our results show that the carbon
ate cycles older than 3.5 m.y. should be calibrated to one precession
cycle older than previously proposed. Application of the astronomical
solution of Laskau [1990] (hereinafter referred to as La90) with prese
nt-day values for the dynamical ellipticity of the Earth and tidal dis
sipation by the Sun and Moon results in the best fit with the geologic
al record, indicating that this solution is the most accurate from a g
eological point of view. Application of Ber90, or La90 solutions with
dynamical ellipticity values smaller or larger than the present-day va
lue, results in a less obvious fit with the geological record. This im
plies that the change in the planetary shape of the Earth associated w
ith ice loading and unloading near the poles during the last 5.3 milli
on years was too small to drive the precession into resonance with the
perturbation term, s(6)-g(6)+g(5), of Jupiter and Saturn. Our new tim
escale results in a slight but significant modification, of all ages o
f the sedimentary cycles, bioevents, reversal boundaries, chronostrati
graphic boundaries, and glacial cycles. Moreover, a comparison of this
timescale with the astronomical timescales of ODP site 846 [Shackleto
n et al., 1995a, b] and ODP site 659 [Tiedemann et al., 1994] indicate
s that all obliquity-related glacial cycles prior to similar to 4.7 Ma
in ODP sites 659 and 845 should be correlated with one obliquity cycl
e older than previously proposed.