Regional cerebral metabolite concentrations, principally of choline-co
ntaining compounds (Cho), total creatine (Cr), N-acetylaspartate (Naa)
, and lactate (Lac), can be quantified by in vivo proton magnetic reso
nance spectroscopy. In order to estimate a metabolite concentration, i
t is often necessary to measure the transverse relaxation time (T-2).
Metabolite T(2)s depend on cytosolic viscosity: as [adenosine triphosp
hate] falls leading to Na+/K+ pump failure, cytosolic water increases
and T(2)s lengthen. In central grey-matter in human infants, Naa may b
e almost exclusively neuronal: Naa T-2 may index neuronal edema and en
ergy generation. In this preliminary report, metabolite concentrations
and T(2)s have been measured in central grey matter in human infants
suspected of perinatal hypoxic-ischemic cerebral injury. In infants wh
o developed serious cerebral injury or died, [Cho] and [Naa] were low
(the latter suggesting neuronal loss), [Lac] and all metabolite T(2)s
were increased: the Naa T-2 increase possibly reflected neuronal edema
following failure of energy generation in a fraction of remaining neu