A typical flow cytometric marker of apoptosis is the appearance of a h
ypodiploid peak. This phenomenon is related to the chromatin fragmenta
tion and loss that occurs during the late stages of the process. We de
scribe herein the changes occurring at the chromatin level in purified
nuclei preparations obtained from human peripheral blood mononuclear
cells in a time-course study, including the simultaneous evaluation of
nuclear proteins and DNA stainability, light-scattering properties, a
nd spectrophotometric determination of the protein content. An augment
ation of fluoroscein isothiocyanate (FITC) stainability was noticed as
early as Ih after irradiation. As this phenomenon is not correlated t
o changes in actual protein content, one can conclude that modificatio
ns of bas-c protein accessibility occur from the early phases of the a
poptotic process. Also DNA stainability augmented with time, generatin
g the transient appearance of a hyperdiploid peak that preceded the ap
pearance of the hypodiploid peak typical of the late stages of the pro
cess, and that shared with the latter the same light-scattering proper
ties. Chromatin status was further explored by staining apoptotic nucl
ei using DNA probes with peculiar molecular weight. Propidium iodide (
PI) and ethidium bromide (EB), but not the much bulkier 7-aminoactinom
ycin D (7-AAD), identified the nuclei with a transient increase in DNA
stainability confirming that an increased dye accessibility to bindin
g sites was responsible for the phenomenon. Remarkably, all dyes ident
ified the same proportion of hypodiploid nuclei when an apoptotic nucl
eus shed its fragmented chromatin. Control experiments included differ
ential interference contrast and fluorescence microscopy that showed t
he purity of nuclei preparations and the typical morphological apoptot
ic features. Finally, the simultaneous evaluation of DNA by PI and nuc
lear proteins by FITC in a time course study allowed a thorough assess
ment of changes occurring at the chromatin level in the diverse stages
of apoptosis. It is suggested that proteolysis precedes endonucleolys
is and probably renders it easier the final endonucleolytic step leadi
ng to DNA fragmentation and loss.