No one really knows why human beings commit suicide. The goal of this
paper is to provide a psychological point of view on the topic, among
the many other perspectives that are needed. It addresses the question
by providing a theory of suicide, arguing that it is theory that allo
ws us to sort out the booming buzzing mess of experience (Wm. James).
Suicide is a multidimensional malaise. Metaphorically speaking, it is
an intrapsychic drama on an interpersonal stage. As sound theory must
be empirically observable, the theory is next applied to research of s
uicide notes, studying such factors as age, sex, and method of suicide
, cross-culture and cross-time. Next, because all theory must have cli
nical applicability, a clinical case study of Goethe's Werther is prov
ided. Overall, it is concluded that we need to continue to develop mod
els to understand the suicidal mind.