A. Muhlherr et M. Siemann, WHICH TRAIN MIGHT PASS THE TUNNEL FIRST - TESTING A LEARNING CONTEXT SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN, Psychological reports, 79(2), 1996, pp. 627-633
This article describes a nonverbal learning setting, using a miniature
railway game, suitable for learning experiments with younger children
. To test the setting a brief study on transitive responding was carri
ed out. Children aged between 3 and 6 years were trained with pairs of
different coloured trains A + B-, B + C-, C + D-, and D + E- conveyin
g an hierarchical 5-term series A <-- B <-- C <-- D <-- E (where an ar
row represents the relation: 'A' may pass the tunnel before 'B'), Afte
rwards they were tested for transitivity with the novel test pair ED.
The children learned the task quickly. On the average, they showed tra
nsitive decisions when confronted with test pair ED. However, among th
ose children who reached the learning criterion, the 3- to 4-yr.-olds
showed weaker transitivity than the 5- to 6-yr.-old children. The sett
ing proved to be highly acceptable to the children. It can be potentia
lly varied for operant conditioning tasks with younger children.