Nitric oxide (NO), a biologically active mediator generated in many ce
ll types by the enzyme NO synthase, may play an important role in card
iovascular toxicity that is frequently observed in cancer patients dur
ing intravenous (i.v.) interleukin 2 (IL-2) therapy. The induction of
NO synthase and the production of NO seem to be involved in the pathog
enesis of the vascular leakage syndrome, as well as in the regulation
of myocardial contractility. In the present study, we evaluated the pa
ttern of plasmatic NO changes during multiple cycles of continuous i.v
. infusion (CIVI) of IL-2 in ten advanced cancer patients (five males,
five females, median age 59 years, range 33-67 years; eight affected
by renal cell cancer and two affected by malignant melanoma). The pati
ents received IL-2 at 18 MIU m(-2) day(-1) (14 cycles) or 9 MIU m(-2)
day(-1) (seven cycles) for 96 h, repeated every 3 weeks. Interferon al
pha (IFN alpha) was also administered subcutaneously (s.c.) during the
3 week interval between IL-2 cycles. For each cycle, plasma samples w
ere collected before treatment (t(0)), 24 h (t(1)), 48 h (t(2)), 72 h
(t(3)) and 96 h (t(4)) after the start of IL-2 infusion, and 24 h afte
r the end of the cycle. NO concentration was determined spectrophotome
trically by measuring the accumulation of both nitrite and nitrate (af
ter reduction to nitrite). The following observations may be drawn fro
m data analysis: (1) plasma nitrate + nitrite significantly raised dur
ing treatment (P = 0.0226 for t(0) vs t(3)), but statistical significa
nce was retained only when cycles administered with IL-2 18 MIU m(-2)
day(-1) are considered (P = 0.0329 for t(0) vs t(3); P = 0.0354 for t(
0) vs t(2) vs t(4)) (dose-dependent pattern); (2) during subsequent cy
cles a significant trend toward a progressive increase of plasma nitra
te + nitrite levels, with increasing cumulative dose of IL-2, was obse
rved (linear regression coefficient r = 0.62, P = 0.0141 for t(0); r =
0.80, P = 0.0003 for t(1); r = 0.62, P = 0.013 for t(2); r = 0.69, P
= 0.045 for t(3)); (3) plasma nitrate + nitrite levels peaked earlier
in subsequent cycles than in the first cycle; (4) all patients experie
nced hypotension. The mean of the systolic blood pressure values was s
ignificantly lower at the time of plasma nitrate + nitrite peak than a
t t(0) (P = 0.0004); (5) the two cases of grade III hypotension occurr
ed in patients with the higher mean and peak plasma nitrate + nitrite
values. We conclude that determination of plasma nitrate + nitrite lev
els during CIVI IL-2 can usefully estimate, in a dose-dependent patter
n, the degree of peripheral vascular relaxation and capillary leakage
associated with cytokine action, clinically manifested as hypotension.
However, isolated cardiac toxicity that continues to represent a rele
vant problem during IL-2 therapy, does not appear to correlate with pl
asma nitrate + nitrite levels; therefore, further studies are required
to understand adequately the mechanisms underlying IL-2 induced cardi
ac toxicity.