Two-particle rapidity correlations for pp, p pi(-), and pi(-)pi(-) pai
rs in C+Ta interactions at 4.2 GeV/c per nucleon are presented. The ex
perimental data are obtained with a 2 m propane bubble chamber exposed
on the JINR, Dubna, synchrophasotron. It is found that the strength o
f the correlations does not depend on particle combination, but strong
ly depends on the rapidity and collision centrality. The quark-gluon-s
tring model describes these features of the correlations well, but nee
ds to be tuned in the target fragmentation region. Since the quark-glu
on-string model simulates the nucleus-nucleus collisions by the superp
osition of hadron-hadron collisions, we conclude that there is no evid
ence of a collective behavior in our data. This conclusion is addition
ally supported by the intermittency analysis.