The thermal diffusion factor, alpha(T), has been measured as a functio
n of temperature and composition for the gas mixtures Ne-N-2 and Ar-H-
2 using the two-bulb method. The measurements covered the temperature
range from about 325 to about 825 K and the composition range from 15%
to 85% of the lighter component. The data have been analyzed accordin
g to the (m-6-8) and LJ(12-6) potential models where the intermolecula
r forces and the potential functions were determined for the two studi
ed systems. The (m-6-8) parameters obtained were used to calculate the
binary diffusion coefficients and these were compared with recent dif
fusion data. It has been found that the present (m-6-8) potential func
tions for the AU-H-2 system predict very well both of the thermal diff
usion and the recent diffusion data with percentage deviation not exce
eding 3% and the diffusion data of the Ne-N-2 system with maximum devi
ation of about 1%. However, both the symmetric LJ(12-6) and (m-6-8) po
tentials failed to explain the thermal diffusion data for the Ne-N-2 s
ystem. A conclusion has been made for this state of affairs.