Background The presence of mRNA for the essential components of the re
nin-angiotensin system (RAS) has been found in animal and human hearts
. The present study was designed to provide evidence for the existence
of a (functional) cardiac RAS. Methods and Results Twenty-four patien
ts with atypical chest pain undergoing coronary angiography for diagno
stic purposes were investigated. The cardiac production rate of angiot
ensins was estimated by measurement of the cardiac extraction of I-125
-angiotensin I and I-125-angiotensin II associated with the determinat
ion of endogenous angiotensins in aortic and coronary sinus blood in n
ormal, low, or high sodium diets. In a normal sodium diet, angiotensin
I and II aorta-coronary sinus gradients were tendentially negative (-
1.8+/-2.5 and -0.9+/-1.7 pg/mL, respectively), and the amounts of angi
otensin I and II added by cardiac tissues were 6.5+/-3.1 and 2.7+/-1.3
pg/mL, respectively. The low sodium diet caused a significant increas
e in both plasma renin activity (PRA) and angiotensin I concentration
in aortic but not in coronary sinus blood, resulting in a more negativ
e aorta-coronary sinus gradient (-9.7+/-3.1 pg/mL, P<.01). Angiotensin
formation by PRA in blood during transcardiac passage increased (P<.0
01), whereas angiotensin I formed by cardiac tissues de creased dramat
ically. Accordingly, in the low sodium diet, I-125-angiotensin II extr
action did not change, the cardiac fractional conversion rate of I-125
-angiotensin I to I-125-angiotensin II notably decreased (P<.01), and
angiotensin II formation by cardiac tissues was undetectable. The high
sodium diet caused a decrease in PRA and no changes in cardiac extrac
tion of radiolabeled angiotensins; conversely, angiotensin I formed by
cardiac tissues, cardiac Ang I fractional conversion rate, and angiot
ensin II formed during transcardiac passage significantly (P<.01 for a
ll) increased. Conclusions These results provide evidence for the exis
tence of a functional cardiac RAS independent of but related to the ci
rculating RAS.