Purpose: We attempted to assess the natural course of vesicoureteral r
eflux after it was detected in asymptomatic siblings of children with
reflux, and to determine predictors of and time to resolution. Materia
ls and Methods: We reviewed the records and radionuclide cystograms of
76 girls and 32 boys 2 weeks to 103 months old (mean age 21 months) w
ith vesicoureteral reflux detected in a sibling screening program. Pre
dictors were determined using logistic regression and survival analysi
s. Results: Vesicoureteral reflux resolved in 52.8% of cases at a mean
followup of 18.5 months, Yearly resolution rates exceeded 28%. Predic
tors of the likelihood of resolution were not identified, At diagnosis
unilateral reflux and mild reflux were independent and univariate pre
dictors, respectively, of more rapid resolution. Conclusions: By showi
ng that spontaneous resolution is likely for children with vesicourete
ral reflux detected in a sibling screening program, this study support
s nonsurgical management with annual imaging evaluation.