Episodes in conversation are topically and interactionally defined The
y are boundaried sequences at a structurally intermediate level, that
is, above the level of utterance/turn but below that of the whole enco
unter and its major phases. We argue that episodes and topics are equa
lly basic to conversation The initiation of a new episode involves, pe
r definition, the introduction of something new. On the other hand, ep
isode initiations are systematically dependent on textual and contextu
al resources that speakers take as given, when - in the interaction -
they guide their interlocutors into doing or talking about something n
ew. This paper presents the fundamentals of a model of episode structu
re and its relations to contextual resources. It also outlines a metho
d, topical episode analysis, for coding and analyzing coherence in ter
ms of episode structure in (especially multiparty) conversation.