Microwave and infrared spectra of the open-shell complex ArNO2 have be
en recorded. The microwave spectrum (6-18 GHz) consisted solely of the
a-type transitions 5(05)<--4(04), 4(04)<--3(03), 3(03)<--2(02), and 2
(02)<--1(01) involving the K-a=0 state and 5(23)<--4(22), 5(24)<--4(23
), 4(22)<--3(21), 4(23)<--3(22), 3(21)<--2(20), 3(22)<--2(21), involvi
ng the K-a similar or equal to 2 state. These transitions showed struc
ture due to fine, magnetic hyperfine and electric quadrupole interacti
ons. The infrared spectrum, associated with the nu(3) asymmetric vibra
tional mode of the NO2 monomer, consisted of three bands (P-R(0), (R)Q
(0), and (R)R(0) and both K doublets of P-P(2), (P)Q(2) and (P)R(2)) c
entered around 1615 cm(-1). The data have been fitted to a semirigid H
amiltonian to determine the molecular parameters. The derived paramete
rs are analyzed in terms of those of the free NO2 radical. Changes in
these parameters upon complexation can be caused by a geometric effect
due to the rotation of the inertid axes from the monomer to the compl
ex, and an electronic effect caused by a distortion of the electronic
wave functions on complex formation. The electronic changes (which may
give an indication of incipient chemical bond formation) are shown to
be very small. The absence of odd K-a '' states in both the infrared
and microwave spectra was rationalized in terms of a high frequency tu
nneling motion of the NO2 within the complex. Both a dynamics calculat
ion and a model potential based on atom-atom interactions provided add
itional support for a nonplanar equilibrium structure with a low barri
er to planarity. (C) 1996 American institute of Physics.