Amending anoxic soils with stoichiometric amounts of sodium acetate le
d to the complete transformation of trifluralin within the 45 day trea
tment period, Under these conditions, a maximum trifluralin transforma
tion rate of 4.9 mg kg(-1) of soil per day was estimated, which corres
ponded to a chemical half life of 11.9 days. Regression analyses indic
ated that the zero order rate model provided the best fit to the exper
imental data, suggesting that the trifluralin transformation rate is i
ndependent of concentration during acetate addition. Using radiolabele
d trifluralin, it was determined that the principal contaminant transf
ormation mechanisms were degradation and bound residue formation (i.e.
, irreversible adsorption). Volatilization and mineralization of trifl
uralin were found to be negligible over the 45 day treatment period. U
sing poisoned controls, it was determined that trifluralin transformat
ion under acetate-amended conditions was biologically mediated, Amendi
ng trifluralin contaminated soils with stoichiometric amounts of iron
sulfide resulted in complete trifluralin transformation within 24 hour
s of treatment. A maximum trifluralin transformation rate of 380 mg kg
(-1) of soil per day was estimated for this system, which corresponded
to a chemical half life of 4.4 h. The rates of trifluralin transforma
tion followed the first-order kinetic model during iron sulfide additi
on. Using radiolabeled trifluralin, it was found that chemical degrada
tion was the principal removal mechanism. Neither volatilization nor m
ineralization was found to be a significant contaminant removal mechan
ism during iron sulfide treatment. Poisoned controls indicated that tr
ifluralin transformation was mediated primarily by an abiotic chemical
reaction mechanism. Additional study is required to clarify the rate
limiting steps so that full scale soil treatment systems may be proper
ly designed.