The ability test is an instrument frequently used in personnel assessm
ent, but the motivation of the subjects for test-taking (TTM) is hypot
hesized so that it can affect its validity. Previous research on this
topic has shown that it is related to some personal variables, such as
abilities, performance factors, race and so on. However, personality
was not studied as an explanatory factor of the TTM. In this research
the relation of TTM with personality and motivational distortion was o
bserved. Personality was conceptualized using the five-factor model, W
e hypothesized that Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness and Conscienti
ousness would be correlated with negative and positive attitudes to te
st-taking. Concerning to the relation between TTM and motivational dis
tortion, we hypothesized that positive attitudes for test-taking will
be correlated with motivational distortion. Two samples of subjects we
re used. Sample A is composed of 145 students (unemployed) and Sample
B has 187 subjects, all in employment, the majority in clerical jobs.
The results show that personality factors are related to TTM in the wa
y hypothesized. Furthermore, the labor situation of the subjects has n
o effects over TTM and the motivational distortion does not appear rel
ated to TTM. In the discussion comments are made on the implications o
f these findings for personnel assessment.