This study examines the relationship between maternal weight and serum
levels of alpha-fetoprotein, unconjugated oestriol, and human chorion
ic gonadotropin in a population of 47 585 women being provided with pr
enatal screening for Down's syndrome and open neural tube defects. The
study population contains sufficient numbers of women at the extremes
of weight to allow the determination that a reciprocal-linear equatio
n more accurately describes the weight relationship for two of the thr
ee analytes than the currently used log-linear equations. The reciproc
al-linear equations, while more appropriate, provide only a minimal ad
vantage over the log-linear equations. A more important finding is tha
t published weight equations may not be optimal for some screening pro
grammes, due to differences in the mean weight of the populations bein
g tested. Screening programmes are encouraged to calculate their own w
eight correction formulae, based on data from their own population, an
d to monitor the mean maternal weight to detect when modifications in
the weight correction formulae might be indicated.