Previous analyses [Gurbanovich, 1.8., Neudatchin, V.G., and Romanovsky
, E.A., Yad. Fit., 1989, vol. 50, p. 1292; 1993, vol. 56, no. 1, p. 93
] that were performed to clarify the role of multiple nucleon exchange
in the stripping reaction (d, p) on O-16 for E(d) less than or equal
to 10 MeV and which were concerned with the cross sections and vector
polarization are supplemented with an analysis of the tensor-polarizat
ion components at Ed = 9.3 MeV, the only energy value for which experi
mental data are available. The tensor components calculated with a pot
ential that provides a good description of experimental data simultane
ously for the cross sections and vector polarization exhibit manifestl
y oscillating behavior as functions of energy. This is new and indepen
dent evidence that multiple nucleon exchange contributes significantly
to stripping. However, the quantitative description of relevant exper
imental data is not quite satisfactory.