C-60 vapor was bombarded by Xe-136(35+) and Xe-136(18+) ions in the en
ergy range 420-625 MeV to study the various ionization and fragmentati
on processes that occur. Since the center-of-mass energies used in thi
s work exceeded those of previous slwdies by several orders of magnitu
de, new excitation and dissociation modes were expected and indeed fou
nd. Positive ions were extracted from the interaction region and their
limes of flight were measured both singly and in coincidence with oth
er ionic fragments, A wide range of stable charge states and cluster s
izes from monatomic carbon up to C-60 was observed. Even-numbered carb
on fragments dominated tile heavier mass range but both even and odd c
arbon numbers occurred at lower masses. Evidence was found for three q
ualitatively different ionization and fragmentation channels suggestin
g different ranges of collision impact parameters: ionization of the p
arent C-60 molecule, loss of even numbers of carbon atoms, and ''multi
fragmentation'' into many small fragments. This later mode included th
e production of singly charged C-n(+) fragments with all values of n b
eing observed from n = 1 up to at least n = 19. We interpret our resul
ts in terms of a theoretical model that indicates that the total inter
action cross section contains comparable contributions from (a) excita
tion of the giant dipole plasmon resonance, and (b) large-energy-trans
fer processes that lead to multiple fragmentation of the molecule. The
distribution of fragment cluster masses for N less than or similar to
20 is reproduced by a ''percolation theory'' description analogous to
that used to describe multifragmentation of nuclei by high energy pro