We use a two dimensional model of the magnetosheath, not including the
bow shock, to examine the effects of pressure anisotropy on magnetosh
eath structure. The simulation plane includes the Earth-Sun direction
and that of the incoming interplanetary magnetic field. Thus the cruci
al physical. effects of compression and draping are both included. Flo
w of magnetic flux and plasma around the magnetopause in the third dir
ection is modeled by a finite electric field at the magnetopause which
allows plasma and flux to cross the magnetopause. The magnetpause is
a flux surface, which is a reasonable approximation for low shear cond
itions. We use three models for the plasma pressure: isotropic adiabat
ic, double adiabatic, and the bounded anisotropy model [Denton et al.,
1994; 1995]. In an isotropic plasma, density depletion results from d
raping which produces parallel (to B) flow around the magnetopause, Th
is flow is greatly enhanced by the parallel pressure gradient. In an a
nisotropic plasma, enhancement of density depletion comes about not by
the ordinary parallel pressure gradient, but by action of the mirror
force. Because this mirror force is large for an anisotropic plasma, u
se of double adiabatic or bounded anisotropy pressure equations result
s in greater density depletion than that resulting from isotropic adia
batic theory.