Alternative methods to the standard Young technique for the constructi
on of Fermion wave functions in the spin orbital formalism are present
ed and shown to be equivalent to the standard technique. To develop th
ese methods: (i) the starting or primitive function is factored into s
pin and spatial parts, (ii) the conjugacy feature required to satisfy
the antisymmetry principle is exploited, (iii) the necessary commutati
on relations with the Fermion antisymmetrizer are shown to hold and (i
v) the one-to-one correspondence between the independent picture of th
e Young tableaux and the independent Slater determinants is used. This
last feature has the advantage of reducing all three methods to rapid
efficient graphical procedures. Each method is analyzed to consider t
he amount of labor involved to carry it out. Several examples of the m
ethods are given for constructing both electronic wave functions and s
pin functions.