Two unrelated children with autosomal recessive dystrophic epidermolys
is bullosa (RDEB) developed fatal dilated cardiomyopathy. Both were ma
lnourished and had severe growth problems, We believe that the most li
kely cause for the cardiomyopathy is a micronutrient deficiency, most
probably selenium deficiency, since the serum selenium level was found
to be reduced in the case in whom we measured this, and in 14 of 25 o
ther children with dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa, Echocardiographic
screening of 18 other patients revealed no evidence of cardiomyopathy
. We recommend careful attention to nutrition, with prospective monito
ring of vitamins and micronutrients including selenium and carnitine,
and regular echocardiographic screening of patients with severe RDEB.