The importance of male care and the nature of facultative adjustments
in female care were assessed by experimentally removing males in pairs
of orange-tufted sunbirds, Nectarinia osea, feeding broods of two or
three chicks. The predation of all three-chick broods with female-only
care suggested that male nest guarding is critical, especially becaus
e males also deter infanticidal floater males. Comparison of provision
ing and nest guarding behaviour in male-removed and control nests was
therefore limited to two-chick broods. As expected, lone females provi
sioned at a greater rate, but compensated incompletely for the lack of
male provisioning effort. Surprisingly, even when provisioning at hig
h rates, lone females still performed the usual levels of nest guardin
g and nest sanitation. Lower rates of chick mass gain in the nest, and
subsequent premature disappearance of fledglings from male-removed br
oods, confirmed that reduced provisioning to broods of lone females ha
d detrimental effects upon chick fitness. Sunbirds exhibit sex-specifi
c roles in parental care. Female provisioning appears flexible, ensuri
ng adequate care for young in the nest. Nest guarding is incompatible
with high foraging effort, but it may be compatible with male non-pare
ntal activities such as territorial defence and extra-pair mating. The
se results concur with recent data concerning male responses to experi
mentally reduced female care in this species, and are discussed in ter
ms of evolutionary strategies for stable biparental cooperation. (C) 1
996 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour