Managing risk has always been an integral part of banking. In the past
two years an approach to risk management called ''Value at Risk'' has
been accepted by both practitioners and regulators as the ''right'' w
ay to measure risk, becoming a de facto industry standard. Yet, the da
nger is that overreliance on value at risk can give risk managers a fa
lse sense of security or lull them into complacency. Value at risk is
only one of many tools of managing risk, and it is based on a number o
f unrealistic assumptions. There is no generally accepted way to calcu
late it, and various methods can yield widely different results.This a
rticle describes several common methods for calculating value at risk
and highlights important assumptions and methodological issues. The au
thor discusses the strengths and weaknesses of value at risk, pointing
out that its use has created a common language for discussions about
risk and prompted more dialogue about risk issues. She cautions, howev
er, that successful risk management is a much broader task, which depe
nds crucially on appropriate incentives and internal controls.