Microsatellites or simple sequence repeats, first demonstrated in huma
n and other mammalian genomes, are being identified in many plant spec
ies. A database survey of 576 maize sequences from the GenBank and EMB
L databases was made to determine the abundance of maize microsatellit
es. Two hundred potential microsatellites were identified. The relativ
e abundance of the different repetitive motifs varied considerably and
all possible dinucleotide and trinucleotide motif types were found. T
he three most abundant classes of microsatellites identified in this s
earch were (AG/CT)(n), (CCT/GGA)(n), and (CCG/GGC)(n) repeats. Allelic
variation was surveyed with 9 maize inbred lines representing diverse
pedigrees. Amplification of DNA from these lines and analysis using h
igh resolution agarose gels showed that 69 of the 200 potential micros
atellites were polymorphic and yielded 2-4 alleles. A more complete sc
reen of these loci against a wider array of maize germplasm using dena
turing sequencing gels is now being conducted to more thoroughly evalu
ate these loci.