We give a simple stochastic model for the optimal size of staff of a l
arge (especially, but not only, research) corporation as a function of
its wealth and provide a quantitative theory with explicit prescripti
ons for increasing, decreasing or leaving constant the number of perso
nnel in order to maximize total profit, discounted with fixed interest
rate. Features of the optimal policy seem in at least qualitative agr
eement with observed practice in that, for example, there are occasion
al large-scale downsizings similar to large layoffs or incentive retir
ement plans observed in real corporations. In the optimal plan, this t
ype of firing occurs only on an upswing, i.e., when the company's fort
une ascends to a threshold relative to staff size. Small-scale or 'att
rition' firing also occurs under the optimal policy, but this type of
firing occurs only on a downswing, when the company's fortune descends
to a threshold relative to staff size. The model is extremely simple
and depends on only five estimable parameters; thus it should be usefu
l for guiding or, at the least, stimulating thought about corporate si
zing policy.