Sc. Weeks, A REEVALUATION OF THE RED-QUEEN MODEL FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF SEX IN ACLONAL-SEXUAL FISH COMPLEX (POECILIIDAE, POECILIOPSIS), Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences, 53(5), 1996, pp. 1157-1164
The validity of the assumptions of the Red Queen model for the mainten
ance of sexual reproduction was reassessed using life-history data col
lected from clonal and sexual fish in the genus Poeciliopsis. A previo
us study using these strains (one sexual, two clonal) indicated that s
ex might be maintained by coevolutionary processes outlined in the Red
Queen model. However, the previous study did not test the assumption
that parasitism negatively affects the host's fitness. The current stu
dy was undertaken to address this issue, as well as to reevaluate the
assumptions of the Red Queen model in this complex. Data on size, fecu
ndity, and parasitic intensity were collected from fish from seven Mex
ican pools. Parasitic intensity was highest for one clone, but intensi
ty was not correlated with clonal frequency, as assumed by the Red Que
en model. Variance in parasitic intensity was not reduced in the clona
l strains relative to the sexual strain, and intensity was not correla
ted with fecundity. These data, combined with aspects of the parasite'
s biology, indicate that the Red Queen model is unlikely to maintain s
ex in this clonal-sexual complex.