New high quality measurements of dissolved Cd, Cu, Ni and Zn in the Ad
riatic Sea indicate that overall the zone is not contaminated with the
se metals, and concentrations are typically of similar magnitude to th
ose in open ocean and other coastal sea systems. Copper and nickel are
negatively correlated with salinity near to the Po, indicating the im
portance of riverine inputs locally which can lead to higher concentra
tions close to the river mouth. Zinc concentrations are lower or simil
ar to concentrations in the open Mediterranean Sea and coastal seas, w
hilst cadmium concentrations are at similar levels to the open Mediter
ranean, and substantially lower than, for example, the North Sea. Thes
e data indicate that the Adriatic is not heavily contaminated with tra
ce metals, and elevated concentrations are only to be found close to s
ignificant boundary inputs, which include the Po river, and release of
metals from the sediment system. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science